Research Built Around Partnerships
Discovering What is Useful to Communities
The more common academic research focus is scholars leading typically sophisticated experiments and seeking universal answers. Many universities advance this approach. Future Generations focuses on research that is useful to communities. This approach unites scholars and practitioners at the local level with communities to discover usable and affordable solutions for sustainable social change.
There are three ideas in Future Generations research mission statement that are key:
- Research is applied—meaning the research is for the community.
- Community-based—meaning it is happening in the community
- Community is an agent of the work—meaning that the community are full partners, not targets
Partnership with communities is built on 25 years of scholarship, dating back to Future Generations founding. The University has produced over a hundred publications from programs across 41 countries. Disciplines concentrated on include: social change, monitoring nature, health, conservation, peace, nature-based enterprise, and applied education. Research also expands the applicability of SEED-SCALE for in-field practitioners. Future Generations continues to review the global literature and case evidence, convenes international task forces, and conducts applied, field-based research to offer replicable solutions for improved and sustainable wellbeing for all.
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