
Screening Premiere

Saturday, September 23, 2023, at 7:30 pm

Warner’s Drive In

3169 Petersburg Pike Franklin, WV 26807

Central Appalachia is a place of mountains and myth. Director Elaine McMillion Sheldon knows this well, calling those mountains home. Coal has had a profound influence on this community’s identity, but Sheldon dares to consider what future stories might look like out of the shadow of coal, now that relationships to coal are changing. She takes us on an alluring cinematic journey through the past, present, and future of Appalachia.


(Proceeds benefit the WV Mushroom Club)

Panel Discussion

The Role of Agroforestry in the

Transition From Extraction

Thursday, September 21, 2023, at 7:00 pm

Joey Aloi, Assistant Professor & Appalachian Program Director, Future Generations University. Born-and-raised Appalachian from West Virginia with years of experience in local food.

Clara Haizlett is a documentary filmmaker from West Virginia and an associate producer on King Coal. Directed, shot and produced several short documentaries for the Smithsonian Institution and NPR member stations.

Karen Milnes is an artist, naturalist, and forager living in the Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, close to the WV border. The wonderful world of fungi was opened up to her 13 years ago while living in the Southern Rockies and it promptly spiraled into an obsession.

Forest Dolin, Community Organizer, Boone County West Virginia. President and Director of Dig In Inc.

Mushroom Walk

Saturday, Sept. 23rd, 5:00 PM – 6:45 PM

Future Generations University, North Mountain, 400 Road Less Traveled, Franklin, WV
Donations accepted


Directed by Elaine McMillion Sheldon

For decades, the Navy base known as Sugar Grove Station provided jobs and a sense of stability for the residents of Sugar Grove, West Virginia. Now, it’s being auctioned off to the highest bidder. As their mainstay fades away, members of the community consider the “Upper Base” of the former Navy post, where an NSA listening post remains operational—and sealed off from the rest of the town.