Research Professor
- Dr.P.H. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
- M.P.H. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health
- B.A. University of Missouri, Columbia
- Altobelli LC. Good Management Practice Is Correlated with Good Performance of Community-Engaged Primary Health Care Facilities in Peru Glob Health Sci Pract. 2024;12(4):e2300402. https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-23-00402
- Becerra-Chauca N, Altobelli LC. “Early initiation of breastfeeding: better practiced in primary healthcare facilities?” Manuscript submitted to PLOS Global Health. 2024.
- Altobelli LC. “Policy proposals for Community Health and Participation”. Chapter in a book of health policy proposals by the Civil Society Platform for Health and Human Rights. Lima Peru: Cayetano Heredia University Press, Lima Peru. In press. 2024.
- Altobelli LC. “Co-management and citizen participation through the Local Health Administration Communities (CLAS).” In: Proceedings of International Seminar: Experiences and Models of Participation in Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization, National Health Council of Brazil, CEAP. April 25, 2023.
- Altobelli LC, Cabrejos-Pita J, Penny M, Becker S. “A cluster-randomized trial to test Sharing Histories as a training method for community health workers to reduce child stunting in Peru.” Glob Health Sci Pract. 2020;8(4). https://doi.org/10.9745/GHSP-D-19-00332
- Altobelli LC, Cabrejos-Pita J, Suarez-Giga V, Taylor DC. “How-To Guide for the Learning/Teaching Method “Sharing Histories” and the Modular Training Program in Maternal, Neonatal, Child, and Adolescent Health for Community Health Workers.” Future Generations University. 2018. https://www.future.edu/2020/10/sharing-histories-how-to-guide-fg-peru-2018/
- Altobelli LC. “Sharing Histories – a transformative learning method to empower Community Health Workers to support mothers ́ health behavior change.” Human Resources for Health 2017;15:54. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12960-017-0231-2
- Story WT , LeBan K, Altobelli LC, Gebrian B, Hossain J, Lewis J, Morrow M, Nielsen JN, Rosales A, Rubardt M, Shanklin D and Weiss J. “Institutionalizing community-focused maternal, newborn, and child health strategies to strengthen health systems: A new framework for the Sustainable Development Goal era.” Globalization and Health 2017;13:37 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12992-017-0259-z
- Lescano AG, Rosas A, Altobelli LC, Antiporta DA, Vidal E, Juarez E, Sánchez JF, Soto-Becerra P, De Freitas C, Huerta Y. “Final evaluation of the Amazon Malaria Initiative (AMI) 2001-2016: Report on the final program evaluation in 11 countries of Central South America.” Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia and USAID. Jan. 2017.
Papers or lectures presented at professional conferences
- “How Governance and Community Participation Enhance Primary Health Care Performance in Peru: A Survey of Regional Health Directorates.” Competitively selected for oral presentation at the Health Systems Global (HSG) Latin American Pre-conference on Health Systems Research in preparation for the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Nagasaki-2024. Organized by Health Systems Global, PAHO/WHO, World Bank, Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency, others. Lima. December 14, 2023.
- Altobelli LC. “Co-management and citizen participation through the Local Health Administration Communities (CLAS).” In: Proceedings of International Seminar: Experiences and Models of Participation in Health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Pan-American Health Organization/World Health Organization, National Health Council of Brazil, CEAP. April 25, 2023.
- Same paper as above on governance and community participation was accepted for presentation as a poster in the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research to be held in Nagasaki, Japan in November, 2024. Organized by Health Systems Global, with support from Nagasaki University and the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Other publications
- Altobelli LC. Behind the curtain. The case of Punta de Bombón in Arequipa, Peru. (Commentary on the rural CLAS health facility that would have attended to the Peruvian Vice President who died of a cardiac malfunction, to highlight cuts in public health insurance payments to CLAS). Oct. 1, 2023. Circulated widely on social networks and national radio.
- Altobelli, Laura C., Sharing Histories—a transformative learning/teaching method to empower community health workers to support health behavior change of mothers, Hum Resour Health. Read More
- Sharing Histories Qualitative study Cusco
- Guide to Sectorization for Community Health
- Sharing Histories – How To Guide
- Sharing Histories – Health in Hands of Women Project
- Altobelli, Laura (2017) Sharing Histories – a transformative learning/teaching method to empower Community Health Workers to support health behavior change of mothers. – Read More
- Altobelli LC., Cabrejos J, Suarez V, Valverde R, Carcamo C, Becker S, Taylor CE, Taylor D. Autobiographical memories as a teaching method for Community Health Workers to promote maternal health behaviors and reduce stunting: a cluster randomized trial. Manuscript in preparation.
- Altobelli LC. Autobiographical memories – a transformative learning method to empower Community Health Workers to change mothers´ health behavior and reduce child stunting: review of supporting literature. Submitted for publication 2017.
- Altobelli LC (2015) “Effectiveness in Primary Healthcare in Peru”, In: E. Beracochea (Ed.) Improving Aid Effectiveness in Global Health. New York: Springer Global Publishing.
- Altobelli LC, Paredes P, and Taylor CE (2015) “Peru: Communities and governments learning to work together,” In: Taylor D. (Ed.) Just and Lasting Change: When Communities Own Their Futures. Second Edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
- Wilcox S, Altobelli LC, and Cabrejos JC (2014). “Final Project Evaluation Report – Health in the Hands of Women: A test of teaching methods,” Project implemented in Huánuco, Peru by Future Generations under Cooperative Agreement #AID-OAA-A-10-00048, USAID Child Survival and Health Grant Program FY2010 – FY 2014.
- LeBan K, Story WT, Altobelli LC, Gebrian B, Hossain J, Lewis J, Morrow M, Nielsen J, Rosales A, Rubardt M, Shanklin D and Weiss J (2015) “A global framework for integrating community-based maternal, newborn, and child health strategies into existing health systems: revaluing the role of international non-governmental organizations,” Annals of Global Health; January–February, 2015 Volume 81, Issue 1, Pages 37–38. 02/2015. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aogh.2015.02.596
- Rengifo G, Altobelli LC, Cabrejos JC, Talenas D (2014) “Implementation of the Sectorization strategy to strengthen health promotion in the Huánuco Region,” In: Tarev A, Campos C, Huaripata J, and Shishido S (Ed.) Sistematization of Experiences in Health Promotion II. Lima: Ministry of Health of Peru.
- Altobelli LC (2013) “Future Generations,” In: Kamden Hoffman, “The Role of Social Accountability in Improving Health Outcomes: Overview and Analysis of Selected International NGO Experiences to Advance the Field.” Washington, DC: USAID/MCHIP.
- Perry H, Townsend J, McQueen S, Adano U, D’Harcourt E, Newsome M, Jones E, Roth R, Shreshta R, Swedberg E, Ngatia P, Leban K, Altobelli L, Roseman E, Gryboski K. (2012) “Which Community Support Activities Improve the Performance of Community Health Workers? Review of the Evidence and of Expert Opinion with Recommendations for Policy, Practice and Research.” Final Report of Evidence Review Team 1. U. S. Government Evidence Summit: Community and Formal Health System Support for Enhanced Community Health Worker Performance. Washington, DC. Nov. 16, 2012.
- Altobelli LC, Cabrejos JC, Espejo L, Vargas A, and Talenas D (2012) Methodological Guide to the Sectorization Strategy for Health Promotion in Co-management with the Community: To strengthen primary health care services focused on maternal, neonatal, and child health and nutrition in the community. Lima: Future Generations and Regional Government of Huánuco.
- Altobelli LC and Acosta-Saal C (2011) “Local Health Administration Committees (CLAS): opportunity and empowerment for equity in health in Peru”, In: Erik Blas, Johannes Sommerfeld and Anand Sivasankara Kurup (eds) Social determinants approaches to public health: from concept to practice. World Health Organization, Geneva, with support from the Alliance for Health Systems Policy and Research, WHO.
- Altobelli LC (2011) “Sharing Pregnancy Histories as Part of Community Education for Maternal and Neonatal Health.” Final research report to EngenderHealth – Maternal Health Task Force. New York: EngenderHealth MHTF. Research subgrant from MHTF with support from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Altobelli LC, Espejo L, Cabrejos JC, Vargas A (2010) Proposals for Management Documents for Constitution of Local Health Administration Communities (CLAS) under ´Law N° 29124 that establishes Co-Management and Citizen Participation in Health Facilities at the Primary Level of Care of the Ministry of Health and the Regions´ and its corresponding regulations approved by Supreme Decree N° 017-2008-SA. Lima, Peru: Future Generations in collaboration with Ministry of Health.
- Charleston R, Altobelli LC, Vargas A, Taylor CE, Perry H (2009) “Final Project Evaluation Report – NEXOS Project: Promotion of Maternal-Infant Health in the Context of Co-Management of Primary Health Care”. Implemented in Cusco, Peru by Future Generations under Cooperative Agreement #GHS-A-005-00011-00 USAID Child Survival and Health Grant Program FY2005 – FY2009.
- Altobelli LC, Espejo L, and Summer A (2008) “Successes and Failures of the Maternal Waiting Home Strategy in Rural Cusco, Peru: Lessons Learned from Health Personnel and Quechua Women”. Report on qualitative research undertaken through the NEXOS Project by Future Generations, with funding from USAID-Child Survival and Health Grant Program. Collaboration by Emory University graduate student for master´s thesis.
- Altobelli LC (2005) “Demands a clear policy on primary health care,” Gestión Médica May 8, 2005.
- Altobelli LC (2002) “Community participation in health (the Peruvian experience with CLAS)”, In: Arroyo J. (Ed.) Health Policies II – 2002-2006. Lima, Peru: Consorcio de Investigación Económica y Social / UK-DFID.
- Altobelli LC (2002) “Nature and magnitude of practices in breastfeeding and complementary feedin,” In: Carrasco N and Vega S, Situational Assessment of Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding in Peru – 2001. Lima, Peru: CEPREN / Academy for Educational Development – Linkages Project.
- Altobelli LC and Y Levano (2002) “Final Impact Evaluation — Program for Infant Nutrition, Health, and Sanitation 1996-2001”, Agency for Development and Resource Assistance – ADRA Bolivia.
- Altobelli LC, J Alarcón, O Saavedra, and V Suárez (2001) “Plan for Andean Development for Food Security – United States Agency for International Development Title II 1996-2001: Final External Evaluation Report”, Adventist Agency for Development and Resource Assistance – ADRA Peru.
- Altobelli LC (2001) “Decentralization to Improve Health Care for the Poor: Case Study of the Health Sector in Peru”, Background report prepared for the Institutional Governance Review-Peru, Poverty Reduction Unit, World Bank, Washington, DC.
- Altobelli LC and O Castillo (2001) “Report on Final External Evaluation Mission: Proyecto APRISABAC – Primary Health Care and Basic Sanitation in Cajamarca”, Report prepared for the Royal Embassy of the Netherlands and COSUDE.
- Altobelli LC (2001) “Basic Health and Nutrition Project 1995-2000: Lessons Learned”, World Bank Regional Office for Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru.
- Rogers B, S Rajabiun, J Levinson, K Tucker, L Altobelli, H Creed-Kanashiro, M Núñez, M Penny, and E Vásquez (2001) Reduction of Chronic Malnutrition in Peru: Proposal for a National Strategy. Lima, Peru: Tufts University School of Nutrition Science and Policy / USAID Office of Nutrition.
- Altobelli LC with J Pancorvo (2000) “Shared Administration Program and Local Health Administration Communities: Case study from Peru”, Paper prepared and presented at the III Forum for Europe and the Americas on Health Sector Reform, World Bank. San José, Costa Rica, May 2000.
- Altobelli LC (2000) “Final External Evaluation Report on the ENLACE Project: Provinces of Otuzco-Julcán, Department of La Libertad, Peru”, USAID Child Survival and Health Grant Project implemented by CARE Peru FY1996-FY2000.
- Altobelli LC (2000) Health and Hygiene Education in Water and Sanitation Projects. Lima, Peru: CARE/United Nations Development Program(UNDP)/World Bank Programme for Water and Sanitation.
- Altobelli LC and M Gómez (2000) “Impact Evaluation 1997-1999 of the Infant Nutrition Program of ADRA Perú: Final Report on Ten Departments”. Lima, Perú: DS Consult and ADRA Perú.
- León FR and Altobelli LC (1999) “Hypothesis to Resolve the Enigma of the ENDES (1997) Data on Maternal Mortality”, In: FR León (ed.) What Do We Know about the Distribuction of Maternal Mortality in Peru, Its Causes and Its Consequences? Proceedings of the First Summer Seminar, January 8, 1999. Lima: Population Council.
- Altobelli LC (1999) “Consolidation and Integration of Nutrition in the Health Sector of Peru”, Proposal prepared for the Coordinating Unit for Modernization of the Public Health Sector of Peru. World Bank Program to Support Health Reform (PAR-Salud) Project. March 4, 1999.
- Altobelli LC (1998) “Comparative Analysis of Primary Health Care Facilities with Participation of Civil Society in Venezuela and Peru”. Paper prepared for and presented at the Inter-American Development Bank Annual Meeting of Governors Seminar on “Social Programs, Poverty, and Citizen Participation”. Cartagena, Colombia, March 1998.
- Altobelli LC (1998) “Health Reform, Community Participation, and Social Inclusion: the Shared Administration Program”. Paper prepared for the Mid-term Project Evaluation of the UNICEF-PERU cooperation. August, 1998.
- Altobelli LC (1998) “Identification of unsatified demand for reproductive health services in Huancavelica, Perú. Results of a health survey of rural women”, Working Papers, Number 27, 1998. Population Council INOPAL III
- Altobelli LC and Esquiche E (1998) “Opinions of Women Regarding Quality of Care at the Referral Hospital of Ayacucho: Focus Groups”, Paper prepared under an institutional research strengthening grant of INOPAL III, Population Council – New York, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC, Calderón M, Guerra V and Rivera E (1998) “Survey on Discontinuation of Attendance at the Family Planning Program of the Referral Hospital of Ayacucho and the Discontinuation of Contraceptive Use”, Paper prepared under an institutional research strengthening grant of INOPAL III, Population Council – New York, Lima, Peru.
- Calderon M and Altobelli LC (1998) “Quality of Care in Reproductive Health in the Referral Hospital of Ayacucho: Study of Simulated Clients”, Paper prepared under an institutional research strengthening grant of INOPAL III, Population Council – New York, Lima, Peru.
- Rivera E and Altobelli LC (1998) “Preparedness of the Referral Hospital of Ayacucho to Offer Family Planning Services”, Paper prepared under an institutional research strengthening grant of INOPAL III, Population Council – New York, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1997). “Changing Community Perceptions of Reproductive Health Services and Reducing the Unmet Need for Them in Peru’s Highlands – I. Baseline Study. Final Report: Quantitative Component”, Report prepared for INOPAL III, The Population Council/New York and Lima.
- McCommon C and Altobelli LC (1995) “Review of an Environmental Health Project in Peru”. Report prepared under auspices of Environmental Health Project, Arlington, VA.
- Altobelli LC (1994) “Epidemiology of exclusive breastfeeding”, In: E. Salazar (Ed.) Lectures in Breastfeeding, Weaning, and Anti-tetanus Vaccine: For Training of Health Personnel, PROCAME II, Cayetano Heredia University, 1994.
- Altobelli LC (1993) “Development of complementary training and educational materials on exclusive breastfeeding in Peru”, In: Communication Stategies for Infant and Child Feeding. Cornell University International Nutrition Monograph Series: Proceedings of the International Nutrition Education Conference, Society for Nutrition Education, Washington, DC, July 1992.
- Baiocchi N, Caravedo L, Carrasco N, Creed de Kanashiro H, Pinzas A, Vallenas C, Vega S, and Altobelli L and Huffman S (1993) Assessment of Breastfeeding and Weaning in Peru. Washington, DC: Wellstart Expanded Promotion of Breastfeeding Program.
- Altobelli LC (1992) USAID/Peru Mission Nutrition Strategy, Prepared for the Office of Health, Population and Nutrition, United States Agency for International Development, Lima, Peru, October 6, 1992.
- Altobelli LC (1991) “A controlled trial to extend the duration of exclusive breastfeeding among low income mothers in Lima, Peru: Final report”. The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing Johnson&Johnson Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program/Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia/The Population Council, N.Y./Wellstart – SanDiego Lactation Management Education Program/Academy for Educational Development.
- Larson EL, McGinley KJ, Foglia A, Leyden JJ, Boland N, Larson J, Altobelli LC and Salazar-Lindo E (1990) “Handwashing practices and resistance and density of bacterial hand flora on two pediatric units in Lima, Peru”, American Journal of Infection Control, 20: 65-72.
- Altobelli LC (1990) “Epidemiologia de la lactancia materna exclusiva”, Salud Popular, Instituto de Salud Popular, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1990) “A controlled trial to extend the duration of exclusive breastfeeding among low income mothers in Lima, Peru”, In: Breastfeeding in Peru: Current Situation and Future Projections, Scientific Collection No. 4, Report of a Scientific Colloquium, October 4, 1990, Pan American Health Organization, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1989) “Equity in health: Type and cost of diarrhea treatment in Peruvian children”, In: Inappropriate Medicines in Diarrhea: Magnitude of the Problem, Scientific Collection No. 1, Report of a Scientific Colloquium on November 2, 1989, Pan American Health Organization, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1988) Maternal Employment, Household Structure, and Health Care for Child Diarrhea in Urban Peru. (Doctoral thesis, The Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health).
- Altobelli LC and Brown KH (1988) “Continuation of breastfeeding during episodes of diarrhea in Peruvian children”, Advances en Infant Health, A publication of the National Programs for Diarrheal Disease Control and Dietary Management of Diarrhea, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1987) “Epidemiology of reported diarrhea in Peruvian children”, Report prepared for the Epidemiology Branch, Division of Nutrition, Center for Health Promotion and Education, U.S. Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA.
- Villar JC, Altobelli LC, Kestler E and Belizan JM (1986) “Prevention of chronic fetal growth retardation: a priority for developing countries”, Bulletin of the World Health Organization 64(6): 847-851.
- Altobelli LC (1985). “Fetal growth: different patterns of intrauterine growth retardation”, Proceedings of the VIII National Congress of Nurses, International Pre-Congress Course on Advances in Maternal-Infant Nursing, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1985). “Nutrition, infection, and infant growth”, Proceedings of the VIII National Congress of Nurses, International Pre-Congress Course on Advances in Maternal-Infant Nursing, Lima, Peru.
- Altobelli LC (1984) “Report on post-graduate public health training and research in selected Peruvian institutions”, Prepared for USAID/Lima, Peru, July, 1984.
- Altobelli LC (1984) “Consultant Report on Human Resources Development, Ministry of Health of Peru, August 13, 1983 – May 31, 1984”, Westinghouse Health Systems, June, 1984.
- DeSosa Rebecca and Altobelli, LC (1977) Manual of Norms and Procedures for Training Rural Voluntary Collaborators (Traditional Birth Attendants), National Division of Family Health, Ministry of Public Health of Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador. 1977. 100 pp. Spanish.
- Invited Speaker. “Retos y Desafios de la Cogestión en los EESS del Primer Nivel de Atención y Propuestas de Mejora” (Challenges to Co-Management of Health Facilities at the Primary Level of Care and Proposals for Improvement). Presentation at the Forum-Workshop “Advances and Perspectives of Co-management of the Health Facilities at the First Level of Health Care”. Organized by: Arequipa Regional Government, Regional Health Management Directorate. May 16, 2024.
- Invited Speaker. “How Governance and Community Participation Enhance Primary Health Care Performance in Peru: A Survey of Regional Health Directorates.” Competitively selected for oral presentation at the Health Systems Global (HSG) Latin American Pre-conference on Health Systems Research in preparation for the 8th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Nagasaki-2024. Organized by Health Systems Global, PAHO/WHO, World Bank, Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency, others. Lima. December 14, 2023.
- Invited Speaker. “New Approaches and Strategies to Close the Gap in Health Care in Peru.” Public Health Wednesday. Panel discussion organized by the School of Public Health, Cayetano Heredia University. In-person. October 11, 2023.
- Invited Speaker. “Co-management and citizen participation through Local Health Administration Communities (CLAS) in Peru”. Portal for Innovations in Primary Health Care: Experiences and Models of Social Participation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Pan American Health Organization, National Health Council of Brazil, Federal University of Bahia. Virtual. April 25, 2023.
- Invited Speaker. “Peruvian Experience with Social Participation.” International Seminar: Experiences and Models of Social Participation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Pan American Health Organization, National Health Council of Brazil, Federal University of Bahia. Virtual. November 20, 2022.
- Invited Panelist. “Integrated Health Networks and CLAS” Seminar “Need for Improvement in the Health System.” “RIS” panel. Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos. Virtual. September 2022.
- Speaker. “Role of the State in Social Participation.” Preparatory webinar for the Public Health Meeting. Civil Society Platform for the Formulation of Health and Human Rights Policies. Virtual. August 16, 2022.
- Lecturer. “Policy proposals: Community Health.” Public Health Meeting. Civil Society Platform for the Formulation of Health and Human Rights Policies. September 16-17, 2022.
- Invited Speaker. “Sharing Stories to Train Community Health Agents: Randomized Community Trial.” Transforming Health from the First Level of Care. Selected as one of 17 finalists of experiences of good practices of primary health care in Peru. Pan American Health Organization-Peru and Community of Practice (COP) of Primary Health Care.
- Presenter. Laura C. Altobelli, José Cabrejos-Pita, Mary Penny, Stan Becker. “Test of a new training method for community health workers: A cluster-randomized trial to reduce child stunting in rural Peru.” American Public Health Association 149th Annual Meeting, virtual modality. Oct. 23-27, 2021.
- Invited speaker. “Community organization for COVID-mitigation and control in Peru during COVID-19.” Global Health Practitioner Institute. Organized by CORE Group – Working Group on Health Services Strengthening (HSS). Oct. 19-22, 2021.
- Presenter. “Does it matter HOW we train community health workers?” Global Health Science & Practice Technical Exchange (Global Health TechXChange). April 21-24, 2021.
- Presenter. “HOW we train community health workers: does it matter?” Institutionalizing Community Health Conference (ICHC). Marketplace. Session ID 79. Future Generations. April 19-21, 2021.
- Invited speaker. “Design and implementation of interventions to reduce chronic child malnutrition and infant anemia.” Presentation at the XIII Scientific Congress of the National Health Institute (Peru) with theme: Interventions in Public Health: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Impact. Lima. Nov. 30, 2019.
- Presenter. “Community involvement in co-management of primary health care to achieve universal coverage: the Peruvian experience with CLAS.” Poster presentation at the 2nd Health Systems Global (HSG) Latin American Pre-conference on Health Systems Research in preparation for the 6th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 2020. Organized by Health Systems Global, PAHO/WHO, World Bank, Belgian Technical Cooperation Agency, and others. Lima. Nov. 22, 2019.
- Invited speaker. “Barriers and facilitators to national health policy and sustainability of primary health care: lessons to learn from Peru and Latin America. Invited paper for the scientific session # 3155.0. Global health sustainability: How can we build primary health care programs that last? (An MCH collaboration) presented at the American Public Health Association 147rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. Nov. 3-6, 2019.
- Organizer and moderator of invited scientific session: “Forty years since Alma Ata: Achieving Health for All – Past, Present, and Future.” American Public Health Association 146th Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Nov. 10-14, 2018.
- Presenter. “Community involvement in co-management of primary health care to achieve universal coverage: the Peruvian experience with CLAS.” Oral presentation at the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research 2018. Organized by Health Systems Global (HSG2018) http://healthsystemsresearch.org/hsr2018/. Organized by Health Systems Global, World Health Organization, World Bank, University of Liverpool-UK, and others. Liverpool, UK. Oct. 8-12, 2018.