Stanley, Antoinette, Class of 2014 – (Namibia)

Practicum Summary:

Effects of Career Guidance on Grade 10 Learners’ Readiness to Make Career Choices in Namibia

Antoinette’s research analyzes the effects of career guidance on student ability to make career choices at Jan Mohr Secondary School in Namibia. In Namibia, most students entering tertiary institutions lack direction in their course selection and do not possess clear motivations for their chosen field of study, which is attributed to inadequate career guidance and assessment of individual learners, nationwide. In result, students often develop into discontent workers, after leaving their secondary institution without having gained proper knowledge of employment opportunities that fit their skills and interests. In Antoinette’s study, she determines whether grade 10 learners who received more career guidance would be more prepared than their peers who did not receive guidance. Thirty-five subjects were randomly selected for the experimental group that received guidance, while the thirty-five remaining subjects were randomly selected as the control group, and did not receive career guidance. The data was collecting using a career readiness questionnaire, which was distributed to the experimental group twice, but the control group one time. In her data analysis, Antoinette discovered that her hypothesis held true: students who received career guidance were far more prepared than their counterparts who were not presented with a guidance opportunity