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Contribute to the $100K Matching Challenge Grant and double your gift to the University!

Donate by September 30, 2024 towards the one-to-one challenge grant, up to $100,000

OUT OF THE WOODS Webinar Series offered Third Thursdays each month

Please join us July 18, 2024, 7:00 pm EST

A monthly webinar series covering a broad array of topics of interest to the maple syrup producer and forester: from tree science and woodlot management to marketing and taxes. Featuring industry experts and producers, each session includes a presentation followed by audience Q&A.

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A University Like No Other

Learn, Take Action & Do Research using your community or workplace as the focus of every course

Your Opportunity

  • Connect with sustainable development experts
  • Be mentored while applying what you’ve learned
  • Partner online with peers around-the-world
  • Learn from nonprofits, government, higher education, and civic movements in 41 countries
  • Master a proven method for community development

Flexible Learning Options

  • Begin with one course now or enter the master’s degree program when you choose
  • Entry possible even if you do not have a bachelor’s degree
  • Earn credit for what you already know
  • Peace Corps, AmeriCorps scholarships apply

Affordable Master’s Degree

  • All graduate-level courses teach applied skills
  • Each course equips you with knowledge to advance your community project
  • Excel across social change fields for just and sustainable impact
  • Higher Learning Commission accredited program

Our University Impact

Graduates expanding their work to larger areas:

  • 73%
  • 27%

Alumni receiving a promotion after their degree:

  • 71%
  • 29%

Alumni earning a salary increase:

  • 79%
  • 21%

Students starting new programs or organizations:

  • 59%
  • 41%

Learn Leadership Skills, Resource Development,
Fundraising, and More!

Master of Arts in Applied Community Development Apply

Certificates and Diplomas Enroll

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